Cool kids
Being a mom to a cool kid, I am always filled with joy when I shop for my lovely daughter.
And as moms around the world know, Christmas is never an exception.
Baghera France
Having outgrown her Eastcoast walker, it's natural for her toy transition to involve some fun-filled push around or pull along device. And oh no, no ordinary such device will accomplish the task quite simply. This is how I arrived at searching for ride ons one evening with a glass of pinot noir while looking at Khloe Kardashian's Ebay page for her usual deals on some hot heels.
Baghera is the latest buzz on my lips at the minute. I was impressed right from the beginning soon as I laid sight of it online. If you have experience of this toy, please contact us or leave a comment as I am eager to hear from other moms and dads with opinions on this.
It is amazing to see that most moms around the world share this acute enthusiasm when it comes to a new something for our bontitos.